Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Separated for the First Time...

My daughter is working at the Bimini Biological Feild Station.
It is our first long separation...
I miss her already!

Last summer, she went studied in Bimini for 8 days.
This time she will be gone for three months.

Here she is with a Tiger shark.
My little girl riding De's horse.

Here she is as a chubby toddler!
She is being silly with me!

With her baby brother...

I love you, Arielle...
You are beautiful and unique.
Somehow fragile yet- ohhh so strong!
Sometimes confused yet- ohhh so smart!
Someone proud yet- ohhhhh so honest!
Somewhat silly yet- ohhh so diligent!
Someone far yet- ohhh so near!
I love you, Arielle...
Love, Momi


  1. What an amazing daughter you have Paula! She is interesting, beautiful, and intelligent!

  2. Thanks Lisa! I want to have a big BBQ celebration when she returns in three months. You guys should come and meet her (and me!) and take the opportunity to see everyone else in the family, as well. I forgot how far/close you live from Twin Cities- Would you guys be able to come?? I hope to see Brenda & Celeste there. It has been way too long!
