Saturday, April 30, 2011

A thought on peaceful relations...

Following Buber's injunction to let the Other be integrally themselves brings us closest to discovering those points of resemblance and convergence between us.

Rather than dismiss or despise the distinctions that
flow away from our points of convergence, look first at these cross-points. Do they not provide a mutual point of agreement to begin from?

Finding the courage to come towards each other- to pass over this bridge (i.e. crossing point), both sides have the best chance of genuinely understanding the other through growing knowledge of one another.

Though each one may remain in disagreement over much, perhaps both may find that fear and disdain have utterly departed. Besides, familiarity ensures the discovery of similarities amidst the differences.

Just as darkness cannot reside with light, ignorance cannot remain alongside knowledge.

Overcoming the darkness between "I and Thou" occurs not only by accepting our differences, but by accepting the existence of ourselves in the Other.

That is love.

Written by Paula R. Howell, April 30, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

David Christian: Big history | Video on

David Christian: Big history | Video on

Ong (Orality and Literacy) spoke of the importance of human language, and the distinction of literacy in particular. Literacy is integral to "collective learning". Thus far, there hasn't been another species to exhibit this *powerful* ability. It makes us astonishingly different-- distinct from every other intelligent life form that we have discovered. But a trait can be terrible or terrific....
If you can't find 17 minutes for Christian's lecture- skip to minute 13... Find out more.