Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is NOT disposable?

My mother used to say, “Waste not, want not.”
Ah, the WWII generation!
Those were the days when leftovers were quickly eaten
or promptly “recycled” into the next meal.
A young couple would buy their first home,
raise all of their children in that home and then
retire there (after 30-40 years at the same company).
The dinner meal always took well over an hour to cook.
You know I am telling the truth- and it wasn’t that long ago.

Fast forward (a whopping three minutes, or so!)
and what do you find?

Suddenly, everything is extra-disposable and extra-fast.

An obvious, commonplace example of this,
especially in the West, is the drive-thru
(Apparently, it takes too long to write “through”).
Billions of people around the globe regularly partake in a diet of
fast-food in paper wrappers eaten while hurrying off to wherever.

We thoughtlessly throw things out as quickly
as the plastic cards made them appear.
Landfills are overflowing.
Courts are overflowing
(with divorce, bankruptcy cases, et cetera).

How many people do you know (outside of the WWII generation) who have lived in the same house for more than twenty years- or even fifteen?

Is it not commonly advisable to change jobs-
or at least positions, every three years or so,
to avoid looking professionally stagnate?


Then there are issues like how often and easily people are aborted, euthanatized, and sold as slaves- though I admit these are not new problems...

There have always been the poor, the homeless drifters.
But now even the affluent have become transients-
perpetually moving into new neighborhoods.

There has always been murder,
though now many ways of taking human life are socially acceptable and accessible to the masses.

There are always been slaves, but technology has exacerbated
human trafficking problems exponentially.

I am going to pause..........

Who wants to offer a comment or two?
Let's get the discussion rolling!

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