Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Forever is a perpetual series of Now

Ancient Yes and the Everlasting Arms of Now

Here is what poured out of the French Press of my morning ponderings.
It is shared as a diamond in the rough, newly emerged and unedited.
Take what you like and leave the rest.

When you love someone- yourself or someone else- make sure to love them right now right here, as.they.are in this moment.

If you try to love someone for who you know they can be,
you are loving a dream- not them.
If you love them for who they were... Well, same story, different verse.

Love is present tense. Lovers live in the now because they know that is all that is.

That is the only place we can find each other.

Love not a memory or a dream. Love is for Now.

Forever is a perpetual series of Now.
The lovers who have spent years together do so by saying Yes right Now over and over again.
It is the only way.

Say yes to love. Say it over and over.

Meet your beloved in this present moment and you will grow together through a tangled vine of ancient Yes's that stretch toward eternity while remaining rooted in the everlasting arms of the present.

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